We understand that buying furniture online is convenient, but sometimes items just don’t fit your expectations. You may return any item bought online within 30 days of purchase, even items that are on clearance. If for any reason you no longer require your goods, or you have ordered an incorrect item by mistake we will offer a full refund or exchange within 30 days of purchase if the item is returned to us in its original condition and packaging.

PRATI ENTERPRISES will Refund or Exchange at any time where goods are:

  • Deemed to be faulty (ie- have a manufacturing fault or defect)
  • Are not ‘fit for the purpose’ that was made known to staff at the point of sale
  • Different to the sample provided, except where natural differences occur within the specific quality bracket.
  • Have obvious defects that were not apparent or brought to the consumer’s attention at the point of sale.
  • In conflict with any other rights provided for by laws of England and Wales

Refund will be provided using the same payment option which the item was purchased with within 7 days after the product is received in the warehouse and return is approved.

The address where returned item has to be sent will be provided separately at your registered email address after receipt of the return request.

Shipping costs are not refunded unless your items are faulty.